
Showing posts from November, 2017

English Language Challenges

If I'm sincere I never like English. For me, it always was a hard subject when I had to memorize all and for this reason I think that I begin to learn English well in secondary. The problem is that I don't have a good memory, so the words and your mean don't keep in my mind and that is a big problem. So... With don't good experiences in secondary for boring class and teacher that don't speak very well,  (I can heard you mistake and in generally I don't distinguish anything, so the mistakes was a real mistake) study English obligatory was not the most happy idea. How I'm in level 3 of English, the first semester of this year I have to take this class and for my "lucky", these aren't so bad. I had to write in a blog what was interesting, and I liked to see how I improve in my writing and in my vocabulary. Also, I had a good teacher where maybe the classes are more boring because we should heard conversation on the radio and something like tha

Changes to my study programme

Well... This is not a topic that I like it, because I don't know so much about the curriculum or the changes that it had undergo. So, speaking like a students of first year, I've had to study subjects of basics science like chemistry, biology, physics and maths. Also like career subjects I've only have the basic about pharmacy like what they do or where they can work or something like that. Then, in third year, we going to start with subjects specific like differents pharmacologies and everything related with the medicines and public Health. About the teaching methods, the few teachers that I have in generally they use powerpoint or write in the whiteboard for teach with exercise or only theory so that the students can copy and understand better. For this reason, the technology is usually important in the class and out the class, because many works should be delivered in a web page or for email; which can be good or bad in differents cases. About the faculty, I think