English Language Challenges

If I'm sincere I never like English. For me, it always was a hard subject when I had to memorize all and for this reason I think that I begin to learn English well in secondary. The problem is that I don't have a good memory, so the words and your mean don't keep in my mind and that is a big problem.

So... With don't good experiences in secondary for boring class and teacher that don't speak very well,  (I can heard you mistake and in generally I don't distinguish anything, so the mistakes was a real mistake) study English obligatory was not the most happy idea.

How I'm in level 3 of English, the first semester of this year I have to take this class and for my "lucky", these aren't so bad. I had to write in a blog what was interesting, and I liked to see how I improve in my writing and in my vocabulary. Also, I had a good teacher where maybe the classes are more boring because we should heard conversation on the radio and something like that, but I can learn more word and how use in a context.

Now in the level 4, I like write in the blog and I improve too, but even I forget the words or I write them like this sound and after I have to change. I depend a lot of a dictionary and maybe isn't good. Even I usually use word that I shouldn't use and I forget the grammar.
So... How I like to read and all the book that I like are in English (is your original idiom), I think that this will be the best for improve my English myself. Do something that I like with something that I don't like so much... Is a good combination.

The classes this semester are more fun and I like it more but I don't speak in English in front of everybody. That is a big problem that I don't have the last semester ( or I don't have in the same way). Now I forget evething. Each word, how I have to do a sentence. I can't and don't like to speak with other person, even if I know how say what I want to say. So...The only way that I could to get over this is go to a English country and be obligated to speak in English for everything and every time.

For that reason, in my free moment I don't speak in English. Maybe I can say a word or sentence for myself, but nothing more.


  1. I felt very intimidate in the english classes.
    I always forget the words, and I ended talking like an ape, haha


  2. I understand you completely, I don't like to speak in English in front of others


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