Why Did you choose this career?

I've always been bad to decide, so when I had to choose a career was a long process

When I was 6, I said that I'm going to be a pre-school teacher. I liked the work of my teacher in that moment, because I think that worked with children is beautiful. 
Even so, I changed a lot my opinion about the career of my dreams . I thought of being a designer, physician or dentist... But I never was sure of my choice.

During the high school, I realized that I loved language,  specially the lesson of means of communication. I liked do news, interview or I liked to learn about scenography, camara and all about television.

I dreamed of being a journalist in the newspaper or be working on the set of a television  program.

At my third year of high school, I had to choose among special classes of maths and physic, language and history or biology and chemistry. I was totally sure to didn't choose maths, but I didn't know if I liked more language or chemistry. 

Finally I decided chemistry, but I was not sure. Still I dreamed of being a journalist.

In 2014 my teacher of chemistry enrolled me in a chemistry olympics where I did differents tests and obviously, I had to study. For that reason, the next year I realized that I loved chemistry and I started to look for a career with chemistry.

Finally, I finished High school. What would I study? I liked three careers: journalism, audiovisual directing and chemistry and pharmacy. So I decided think about PSU and then choose a career.

When I saw  score of my PSU,  I decided to study Chemistry and Pharmacy, mainly by all the working fields that it had, as investigation and cosmetics.

Now, I'm happy with my decision, the university and the people that I have known. 
But, was this the best option? Every day I'm knowing my career  even I discovered that I will be able to work with children at clinical laboratory! But also I think that I will  be able work in investigation or in a cosmetic industry.

 I don't know exactly, yet,  but I have a few years to find out. 

Resultado de imagen para choose career
Which is more important?


  1. Like a daughter of a journalist, it's a bad job, believe me XD
    Nice story, good luck

  2. I hope it's was the best decision and nice pic did you pick
    see you :)


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