A school Anecdote

Definitely, I have a awful memory, so I will try
 to explain a story for this blog but I don't promise anything. 

When I was in high school, in first  year, the student centre wanted to imitate the LollaPalooza concert and for that, they invited different bands and singers of Chile (in this moment I don't remember who were) and they rent a big place for all a day of music.

I remember that if you wanted go, you had to buy the ticket, which was sheap, and you could leave early of classes for attend to the concert, so I decided go with my friends with the plan of go to the concert for a short time and then go out and do anything that we want.

So, the day of the concert we went with differents people of the high school and when we arrived at the place, this was full with high school students, university studendts and adults because was going to play a famous band that I didn't know ( and now I don't remember who was) and everybody wanted to see them.

Like many of thing, the concert started few time after that it must had, but all the people was so anxius and happy, that me and my friends decided keep doing and listened all the singers, and for the end of the day I  realized that the music and the fun were better that I thought.


  1. Return to south plz
    Lollapalooza is so s a n t i a g o for u

  2. this sound great, make an imitation of lollapalooza


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