
Showing posts from April, 2017

My Favourite piece of Technology

I think that none piece of technology is elemental. So, I don't have a favourite piece of technology, but I will say that  my smartphone is a important part of my day to day. My smartphone have everything. Since a application to have fun, to order food until a application to study. Actually it's my camara, my radio, my alarm clock, my gps and endless number of activities  where unique limitation is the phrase: insufficient storage. My parents always thought that the mobile was not necessary, therefore I had my first mobile when I had 12 years old. It was a sony ericcson phone in colour pink. ¡I loved that phone! With it I took pictures, listened music, played games and called for phone. That is all I could do. I bought my current smartphone for its camara, but it fell and broke. Still serves but it isn't the best. In spite of that, I use it all the day. Since the morning how alarm clock until the night to talk with my family and friends. Every that I'm

Why Did you choose this career?

I've always been bad to decide, so when I had to choose a career was a long process When I was 6, I said that I'm going to be a pre-school teacher. I liked the work of my teacher in that moment, because I think that worked with children is beautiful.  Even so, I changed a lot my opinion about the career of my dreams . I thought of being a designer, physician or dentist... But I never was sure of my choice. During the high school, I realized that I loved language,  specially the lesson of means of communication. I liked do news, interview or I liked to learn about scenography, camara and all about television. I dreamed of being a journalist in the newspaper or be working on the set of a television  program. At my third year of high school, I had to choose among special classes of maths and physic, language and history or biology and chemistry.  I was totally sure to didn't choose maths, but I didn't know if I liked more language or chemistry.  Fin

Getting to know each other

Hi! My name is Guisselle Llanos. I'm 18 years old and all my life lived in Temuco, a south's Chile city. I was living with my parents, a brother (student of engineering)  and my pet Charlie. My mother is a nurse and my father is a medical technologist, both worked in the hospital so I didn’t  like to healthcare field's career... Or so I believed. I studied in two different school in Temuco. First in Instituto Claret and then I went to Liceo Camilo Henriquez. In those years I liked to fantasy colour hair so I had have my hair of pink, blue and purple.  When I finished High School,  I did not know what to study, because I liked paint, read, write and different artistic's things, therefore  all my vocational orientation tests said me that to choose an art career... Finally  I decided Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Universidad de Chile and now I'm living with my other brother in Santiago, that it's like to live alone in a big city. How? Why? Just hap