Getting to know each other

My name is Guisselle Llanos. I'm 18 years old and all my life lived in Temuco, a south's Chile city. I was living with my parents, a brother (student of engineering)  and my pet Charlie.
My mother is a nurse and my father is a medical technologist, both worked in the hospital so I didn’t  like to healthcare field's career... Or so I believed.

I studied in two different school in Temuco. First in Instituto Claret and then I went to Liceo Camilo Henriquez. In those years I liked to fantasy colour hair so I had have my hair of pink, blue and purple. 

When I finished High School,  I did not know what to study, because I liked paint, read, write and different artistic's things, therefore  all my vocational orientation tests said me that to choose an art career... Finally  I decided Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Universidad de Chile and now I'm living with my other brother in Santiago, that it's like to live alone in a big city.

How? Why? Just happened.


  1. I really can't create a mental image of your pink hair!


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