Websites you enjoy visiting

(B) Website

I have to admit that I know few person in the area of my career, so I don't have a person whom I admire for something did or for who was. 

So, I don't want lie and tell you about a person that I knew in english classes only for write this post. 
I thinking in something that I like, I remember the theme of my english discourse, the Makeup Cruelty Free and I decided talk you about a chilean page of internet, Te protejo.

Resultado de imagen para te protejo
 This page isn't exclusive of career, but I mention because the organization and all the people behind the page, are the only Latin America orgaization in certify national brands that it isn't tested in animals. 
So, this page has many section, but the most important for me are news, where it publishs information about new brands certificate and the different change in the national and intenational law about the tested in animals, brands where mention brands that sell  in Chile and it's tested and not tested in animals and  reviews where tell us your opinion about a products. 

 I visited for first time this page in 2013, year in which I knew this theme and I wanted to know more.
This page is as chilean guide for know this "life style" where all you use isn't tested in animals, because it helps us to keerp us informed about the new brands that be certificated (it update us). Also the sites serves as diffusion for events where the people can learn what is the vivisection and what mean tested in animals.

I have to admit that this page isn't important for a pharmacist or for the career, but I like and enjoy visiting it because I think that is good for me to know the chilean reality in this theme which every day is more well-known for the people.

This page helps me to follow a ethics and it teach me the ingredients bad and good in the cosmetics  for the human in one way effective, to be applied in the future if I work in the cosmetics industry.


  1. OMG! I love that page... Changed my vision of the world, makeup and ecological life.
    Great post (:

  2. makeup without animal test is a great advance in the cosmetic industry

  3. Interesting page and important mission that has (:

  4. I think it is very important that people begin to become aware of the cruelty to which animals are subjected and this kind of pages play an important role in this.


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