A photograph you like

I think that the photography is an art where many people be able to take amazing photograph that represent a story and feelings that aren't necessary tell.

How they saiy: One picture tell us more than the words. 

 I don't take good photos. I have been try, but I never get. 
Anyway, the photograph that like me, It was taken since a window of the aeroplane and it shows the white clouds in the sky.

I took this picture in my first flight in aeroplane this years and It like me, first, because the landscape I loved it and always I have imagined touch the clouds or fly among they as in the cartoon or animated films. 

And second for its meaning. For me any picture like means this travel, experience, learning and fun. But my photograph means to me change, opportuneness and a new stage. 

This flight was the beginning of everything. 

I know that this isn't the best picture of the world, on the contrary!
But for me, it's a very personal remember therefore, this is the best picture that I took and the like the most. 


  1. A before and after, I like your post :)

  2. Woow so cool <3 nice view. Haha Great post, I like it ^^

  3. Very nice photo.
    I've never had the opportunity to travel by plane :(


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