
Showing posts from June, 2017

My blogging experience

Always I had learned English with a paper and a pen with the teacher speaking in the front of the class. I always thought that the "normal lesson" about this subject isn't the ways for me, so I never called me the attention the English, I never liked learn for myself and I know that the English is very important today, but... I don't like. For that reason, I never thought write only in English and less have a blog completely in English. I never though that I would liked learn English in this form and writting about a theme all that I want (or sometimes more than I want). So... In general I find interesting all that. Is true that I had to write about themes boring, that I don't like tell or themes that I did not know to much and I always finished the post very late, but... I liked the idea. I like have a blog and  investigate about a theme, try to remember about a memory or have to decided about favourite something. Maybe, I'm not according to comme

From the invisible to the visible world

I had told you that I like the cosmetic area and like a pharmaceutical can work in this area, always I like inform myself about the technological  use in this area.  For this reason, I knew to few days ago about the nanoemulsion, a materials important for my career, because they are use for the food area, the cosmetic area and for the investigation and as all these areas can be work of a pharmaceutical, I think that we need to know about this emulsion for apply in a future  process. The nanoemulsion is emulsion very fine (created with nanoparticles) of two immiscible liquids with one of them scatter in the other in form of drops. They can be use in the foods as carriers systems or for freeing a compound what can be flavour, antioxidant agent and microbial, with the objective of use it in the foods for them to purchase an antimicrobial ability.  Also, its emulsion can be use in the different  products of cosmetics, with the objective that the cosmetics products as creams or lotion

The most enjoyable subject ...

In this semester at the university I only have 6 subjects, of wich 4 of these are basic for the career and the rest are own of the pharmacy. If I'm totally honestly, none subject until now I have loved it. I say this because I don't like maths and physics, chemistry I like it, but it disappointed me and english for now I like it, but it's not my favourite. So, when they explained me the pharmacist and his action I liked in theory because I will know about the career and the meaning what is a pharmacist both in the labor field and the basics knowledges that I would have to have. And when they explained me the laboratory techniques subject, I liked too, because I had been in a laboratory and I liked the idea of being able to work again in one. The problem with both was that many external things to the subjects as teachers and methodology of work disappointed me, so both subjects I don't liked so much and I'm a person that if I like something is because all abou