The most enjoyable subject ...

In this semester at the university I only have 6 subjects, of wich 4 of these are basic for the career and the rest are own of the pharmacy.

If I'm totally honestly, none subject until now I have loved it. I say this because I don't like maths and physics, chemistry I like it, but it disappointed me and english for now I like it, but it's not my favourite.

So, when they explained me the pharmacist and his action I liked in theory because I will know about the career and the meaning what is a pharmacist both in the labor field and the basics knowledges that I would have to have. And when they explained me the laboratory techniques subject, I liked too, because I had been in a laboratory and I liked the idea of being able to work again in one.
The problem with both was that many external things to the subjects as teachers and methodology of work disappointed me, so both subjects I don't liked so much and I'm a person that if I like something is because all about it, I liked it... and in this case was not like this.

So... I will have that named the subject that I most like in theory: The laboratory techniques subject.

Resultado de imagen para titulacion quimicaThis class is divided in two section. The first is the theoretical class where we write the process and what should happen by means of slides that it are explained by the teacher.
The second section is in the laboratory and we see and make differents experiments that in previous class was named to learn as these happened and what we have to do to happens. In this section, we are few dependent of the teacher whereby we don't only learn about the subject but also to work responsibly with the laboratory material and with the others classmate.

I like this subject because we do extraction of a solute, decantation, titration, distillations. We work with acids and differents laboratory material. The point is that in this class we take all the theory of the books to the practice and this is the essence  and the most interesting of the class. We have observing and doing an experiment, a solution or a reaction...

... Basically I "live" the chemistry and the most important, I'm part of this.

For that reason I think and tell you that this classes are more practical than theorical because in spite of we have theorical classes as I mentioned, we pass around three hours in the laboratory where we learn more and better than in the normal classes. 

~ All this is the most important and the most I like. ~

Resultado de imagen para chemistry lab


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've read that a lot of people like laboratory techniques, I think this subject is fun as practice and difficult as theory :( great post!

  3. It's a very funny subject, I waited all school to have a practical class like this


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