From the invisible to the visible world

I had told you that I like the cosmetic area and like a pharmaceutical can work in this area, always I like inform myself about the technological  use in this area.  For this reason, I knew to few days ago about the nanoemulsion, a materials important for my career, because they are use for the food area, the cosmetic area and for the investigation and as all these areas can be work of a pharmaceutical, I think that we need to know about this emulsion for apply in a future  process.

The nanoemulsion is emulsion very fine (created with nanoparticles) of two immiscible liquids with one of them scatter in the other in form of drops.
They can be use in the foods as carriers systems or for freeing a compound what can be flavour, antioxidant agent and microbial, with the objective of use it in the foods for them to purchase an antimicrobial ability.

Resultado de imagen para nanoemulsiones ejemplos Also, its emulsion can be use in the different  products of cosmetics, with the objective that the cosmetics products as creams or lotions pierce more fast in the inside of the skin and for this, the products purchase a more efficacy.

I chose talk about this nanoemulsion because it serve for create a new design and development of funcional foods or for create a new form of cosmetics products or make-up products. Both themes for me are interesting and I would like to make practices of them and use this type of emulsion for create the best products.

Where the nanoemulsion is more important and it's in more contact with the humans, is in the foods, because it's used in the development of low fat products as mayonnaise that include nanoparticles of aluminium and silicone.

The objective of use this nanoemulsion is for preserve the food for more time without unfavourable effects in the human, because this emulsion can be ingest it thanks to its biodegradable property.
Today exist many foods with this emulsion as rice, cereal or wine and scientists are developing more food for the future.

This emulsion only have advantages for the human, because the food will have a useful life longer because of the foods will be able to inhibit the fungus or bacterial growth and the biodegradability.

Finally, I can say that the nanoemulsion has not a impact in the people directly because is a theme that the people don't know, but definitely the nanoemulsion has a impact in the agriculture and all alimentary area. For that reason, the nanoemulsion is very important for the world and a pharmaceutical.

Resultado de imagen para nanoemulsiones ejemplos
 Mayonnaise that include nanoparts of aluminium and silicone.


  1. the only emulsion that I knew is the aceite emulsionado :o

  2. I never imagine that use for nanoparticles, is quite interesting.


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