
Showing posts from May, 2017

Websites you enjoy visiting

(B) Website I have to admit that I know few person in the area of my career, so I don't have a person whom I admire for something did or for who was.  So, I don't want lie and tell you about a person that I knew in english classes only for write this post.  I thinking in something that I like, I remember the theme of my english discourse, the Makeup Cruelty Free and I decided talk you about a chilean page of internet, Te protejo.  This page isn't exclusive of career, but I mention because the organization and all the people behind the page, are the only Latin America orgaization in certify national brands that it isn't tested in animals.  So, this page has many section, but the most important for me are news , where it publishs information about new brands certificate and the different change in the national and intenational law about the tested in animals, brands where mention brands that sell  in Chile and it's tested and not tested in animals and  

My favourite book and film

Since that I was a little girl, I liked read. In the past, read in the holidays or when I can was a goal, but with the time I gained the habit of reading and now, read is a hobby. So that's why I know many books and I have read many books that I have hated as Odisea or Martian Chronicles or books that I loved as One hundred Years of Solitude, Martin Rivas, Like water for Chocolate or Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe (a young novel). It's true that my favourite writer is Gabriel Garcia Marquez and all your books I loved, but now I prefer to speak about Ami, the child of the stars by Enrique Barrios. It's a book that I read in primary for first time and I re-read the last year. It's true that the book did not cause me the same that the first read, but I keep a lot of love still. The book tells us about Pedrito that one day he meet to Ami, an alien with special abilities as reading the mind or fly. For the curiosity of Pedrito, he decided spe

A photograph you like

I think that the photography is an art where many people be able to take amazing photograph that represent a story and feelings that aren't necessary tell. How they saiy: One picture tell us more than the words.   I don't take good photos. I have been try, but I never get.  Anyway, the photograph that like me, It was taken since a window of the aeroplane and it shows the white clouds in the sky. I took this picture in my first flight in aeroplane this years and It like me, first, because the landscape I loved it and always I have imagined touch the clouds or fly among they as in the cartoon or animated films.  And second for its meaning. For me any picture like means this travel, experience, learning and fun. But my photograph means to me change, opportuneness and a new stage.  This flight was the beginning of everything.  I know that this isn't the best picture of the world, on the contrary! But for me, it's a very personal remember t

Music in my life

I'm not the kind of person that always listen music or that associate it with a specific moment of your life. Also I don't have musical qualities, so the music for me is basically a entertainment, for make noise in my home or distraction. In my childhood, I remember that I listened of my father's music and my favourite song was "Girls Just Want to Have fun" by Cyndi Lauper. Also I listened to Axe bahia with my brothers and I have to admit that in my childhood I used to listened disney's music, specially of disney's films or the actors or actresses of this channel. When I was 13 or 14 years old, I loved One Direction to such an extent that I had posters in my bedroom and I bought all their CDs. Now I think that all that was too much, but It's a part of my adolescence. Is not same with Avril Lavigne, because now I listen her old music and I don't why, but upset me. Currently I  like more the pop music as the group Little mix or almost whole kind