
English Language Challenges

If I'm sincere I never like English. For me, it always was a hard subject when I had to memorize all and for this reason I think that I begin to learn English well in secondary. The problem is that I don't have a good memory, so the words and your mean don't keep in my mind and that is a big problem. So... With don't good experiences in secondary for boring class and teacher that don't speak very well,  (I can heard you mistake and in generally I don't distinguish anything, so the mistakes was a real mistake) study English obligatory was not the most happy idea. How I'm in level 3 of English, the first semester of this year I have to take this class and for my "lucky", these aren't so bad. I had to write in a blog what was interesting, and I liked to see how I improve in my writing and in my vocabulary. Also, I had a good teacher where maybe the classes are more boring because we should heard conversation on the radio and something like tha

Changes to my study programme

Well... This is not a topic that I like it, because I don't know so much about the curriculum or the changes that it had undergo. So, speaking like a students of first year, I've had to study subjects of basics science like chemistry, biology, physics and maths. Also like career subjects I've only have the basic about pharmacy like what they do or where they can work or something like that. Then, in third year, we going to start with subjects specific like differents pharmacologies and everything related with the medicines and public Health. About the teaching methods, the few teachers that I have in generally they use powerpoint or write in the whiteboard for teach with exercise or only theory so that the students can copy and understand better. For this reason, the technology is usually important in the class and out the class, because many works should be delivered in a web page or for email; which can be good or bad in differents cases. About the faculty, I think

My Summer Holidays

In this moment, only that I want are holidays and more when only remain three or four weeks for finish the semester. This year, I've thought keeping in Santiago for a few weeks, considering that my friends will to travel to Santiago at beginning of the December. I suppose that we will to go out for the city and enjoy of a big city activities like Santiago. Then, I will back to home for Christmas and New year and I thing that I will be in Temuco for some weeks or many weeks of my summer holiday and probably I will watch series, go out for the city or doing what I always do. Even so that, I would to travel to Lican Ray because I don't go since a few years ago and I like more  lake for the summer than sea. Also, I hope get my drive license, so if I travel I would like going to Pucón, Villarrica or any place near of there too. If all of these happens is possible that I will go with my parents and my brother, but I would like go with my friends and have this vacation that we

My pet Charlie

How I have two brothers, I remember that in the childhood each one had a pets or that was the idea. So I had a budgerigar (or catita in spanish), one of brother had a fish and the other had a dog. I don't remember why, but the fish was returned to the pet shop and maybe the little bird ran away or something like that... The point is that the only pet that my family have today is a dog. His name is Charlie  due to  the serie Charlie brown ( or I believe that because my big brother chose the name) and I like that he is very tender and playful and always he can get us a smile. The first memory of him is when we come back to the my grandmother's house with Charlie in a shoes box when I had around four years old. Since that moment, Charlie always had been a part of the family and the neighborhood because all the day he is in the front yard sunbathe and greeting to the neighbour (or bark, that it's the same thing) or he try to receive pet when somebody of the family ar

Postgraduate Studies

Think in a postgraduate course is very hard, specially because I can't say with certainty that I will finish the career. How first year student even I have not seen career subjects different of how work a pharmaceutical, so if I going to take a postgraduate course, today I couldn't choose a theme or a subjects that I would like improve... Because for which reason I will take a course. I know that I would like to improve in the area upon which I work in a future for be a good professional and to know in the moment all about my area as new technology, discovery, form or anything that I could need. Obviously, I have not seen any university where I could study in a future, but always I have liked the idea of study in other country. If I will take a postgraduate course, I will find the university where its programme is better and I will travel to the country for do a full time course. So, If I going to take a postgraduate course I will try to study with a scholarship and afte

My Future Job

Something that I like about Chemistry and Pharmacy is the all the possibility that I have for work in a future. Until now, I had thought work in the cosmetic industry or in clinical pharmacy, and in both I would have to work in indoors in spite of I don't like so much the idea, because for all the works in indoors I think in a person that is sitting in a office opposite a your computer and I hate that. I hope a work when I can make a lot of things or when I always can be make something.  I don't like the routine, so if I can travel for my job or do anything different, I would do. I think that a important way of learn is travel and if I could talk or listen others professionals of the area for improve, I definitely do.  The same with the PhD. I don't know about what could be, but it will be for improve in my area, for be a good professional and because I will want it. I will want be better and learn about something that I like, because it's  true that I will work

Favourite Musician

In generally I'm not a person that hear to one kind specific of music or only a band and even I always listen random music in spotify or youtube, where all the time I don't realize who is singing the song unless that I like the song. In this way I knew The Summer Set, a band that was composed by 5 members led by vocalist Brian Dales and I say "was" because they confirmed their broke up this year. I don't know define music and anything of that kind, so according to internet his style was pop-rock or pop-punk, but I thought that was more pop, specially his third  album, "Legendary". About the lyrics of the songs, these are so random because the band can talk about the love, the life by metaphor or anything in specific because a song may like me for its melody and not necessary for its lyrics as all that I listen. I can't remember when I listened for first time, but it must have been few years ago, and I remember that was in spotify with the s